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Heads Up
- 22 May 2024 -
Info session: Basic research funding ZAP members
Thursday 23 May, 12:00 h. - 13:30 h., Auditorium D

As of this year, Ghent University provides annual basic funding for research-active ZAP members through the BOF. The BOF team is organising an information session for our faculty.

More info on the basic funding
FWO Postdoc grant writing courses
Wednesday 2 and Friday 4 October, online
Monday 4 and Wednesday 6 November, online

Support from Doctoral School for those aspiring to an FWO postdoc application (junior or senior) in December 2024.

More info and registration
SMALLL Congres: Innovations in movement analysis
Thursday 10 and Friday 11 October, Gent

Workshops on Thursday at Campus UZ and Friday the congress at St Peter's Abbey.
PhD researchers can apply to present their work and there is an award for master's thesis students.
Co-organised by colleague Anke Van Bladel and with contributions from colleagues prof. Lynn Bar-On, Babette Mooijekind, Daan De Vlieger and Remco Baggen.

More info and registrations
Fall symposium: A trachea cannula within a multidisciplinary framework
Friday 22 November, 8:00 h. - 17:30 h., Zebrastraat Gent

With lectures by clinical experts, discipline-specific and cross-disciplinary sessions. Target audience: doctors, nurses, speech therapists and physiotherapists.

More info
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Let it know via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!